"It was good; you are a good storyteller. I am curious how much time it cost you to make all the videos and how many polos you have used :-) I was especially interested in the part about how you deal with requirements on user story content. One open question is how the work will be divided around more technical and functional user stories or tasks and which level you use for that in DevOps.
 ⭐ (5 out of 5)

Richard van der Harst

Senior Consultant | Microsoft Power Platform & CE | Program & Project Manager

1. Content understanding and relevance

How well do you feel the course content met your learning objectives? - Were there any topics you found particularly relevant or irrelevant to your needs?

It met my learning objectives. For me the last part was most interesting, as chapter 7,8 and 9. Next to that the clear steps reminded me to always walk through these steps, which is sometime under pressure because of budget and time.

2. Course structure and organization

Is the course structure logical and easy to follow?- Would you suggest any improvements to the way the course is organised?

Yes the course is easy to follow and the length and time of videos are exactly good. I think one important element, next to the technics you are using, is the tone of voice how you bring it all to your project team members. You are an empathetic guy and with your experience you will bring it in a good way. But in my opinion the most important driver for getting it al clear, this together with a clear structure. Maybe some attention for that during the course can help as well.

3. Materials and templates

How useful do you find the templates provided as part of each module?- Are there additional templates or resources you wish had been included?

I think the templates are very basic, but on the other hand people should think and start cretaing themselves as well. So, good enough for this course.