"This course is excellent for anyone looking to develop or improve their skills in requirements gathering. It is well-structured and highly organized. Dani utilizes superb visual diagrams to clarify concepts and keeps his modules concise, clear, and to the point. I gained a great deal of knowledge from this course and am excited to apply what I've learned to my projects.
 ⭐ (5 out of 5)

Leoza Kabir Barker

Power Platform | Dynamics 365 | Technical Lead | Functional Consultant | Team Lead

1. Content understanding and relevance

How well do you feel the course content met your learning objectives? - Were there any topics you found particularly relevant or irrelevant to your needs?

I am very satisfied with the course. I have come out of it with a lot of knowledge on requirements gathering and I cannot wait to apply my new learnings in my projects. I particularly found the Understand and Define modules to be helpful. As someone who is just starting out (4 years into post graduation), I went into discovery sessions with absolutely no preparation and would just hope for the best so now I feel that I can be more structured and organized going into our discovery calls. I would also struggle to find the right questions to ask our clients, but now with the preparation and understanding stages, I can look at the high level processes, the different personas and the industries to prepare and go in with more confidence.

3. Materials and templates

How useful do you find the templates provided as part of each module?- Are there additional templates or resources you wish had been included?

They template are very useful and I appreciate having access to them. I plan to use them for all my projects now.

4. Challenges and difficulties

Are there any parts of the course you found particularly challenging or confusing?- How could these areas be improved in future iterations of the course?

No I think every concept was explained as simply as possible. I also appreciated the short videos. The way the course was broken down was perfect.